“We’re grateful to be selected by the Eastern Upper Peninsula Transportation Authority to build their new vessel,” said Jim Ruffolo, president and CEO, Burger Boat Company. “At Burger, our team prizes collaboration, among each other and with our clients, to deliver vessels people can look upon with pride, year after year. Whether it’s a luxury yacht or a hard-working ferry for demanding conditions like those the Neebish Islander III will face, we are committed to delivering tailored, quality vessels that meet and exceed the owner’s vision.”

Commercial Services
Burger Boat Company has an established history of building commercial vessels, including fishing boats, tow boats, patrol craft, passenger vessels, ferries, research vessels and naval craft. Burger is committed to building commercial vessels that offer their owner years of dependable service. This commitment is achieved by our staff of highly skilled employees through exceptional design and engineering, reliable and fully tested systems, proper materials and proven installation methods.
Explore our full range of refit, repair, and services for commercial vessels

- New vessel construction
- Vessel and systems design
- Aluminum and steel fabrication
- Complete engine and drive train repower installations, including propulsion control systems
- Vessel refit, repair, repower and maintenance
Custom Joinery & Furniture
Burger's custom woodworking provides quality products that match your personal tastes.
Specialty Fabrications
Burger’s craftspeople fabricate aluminum, stainless steel and mild steel weldments as well as mechanical assemblies and exquisite joiner fabrications.